The Children of Voltaire

“I even saw a baby with its head totally crushed.”

First person witness

“He had no pity. He went for women and babies.”

First person witness

And in the aftermath, the French Prime Minister tells the grieving citizens:

“Times have changed, and France is going to have to live with terrorism.”

Perhaps the next 25 ton lorry awaits Manuel Valls

Where are the children of Voltaire?  Where are the children of Jean Jacques Rousseau?

There are two camps.

We are the children of Voltaire and Jean Jacques Rousseau or we are the children of Muhammad.

It really should be the name of a punk rock group:

“Crushed baby’s head”

But there were crushed heads, and crushed and severed limbs courtesy of the camp of Muhammad.

Whose children are we and to whom do we belong?

It will be a cold day in hell before I will stand down, kneel, or prostrate myself before the children of Muhammad.

I am…. a child of Voltaire.




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