Bourne Trump

The latest in political theater involves a comment by President Trump:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here?”

Washington Post

Before the readership throws out words like “racism”, or perhaps, the coin “White Supremacism” it must be remembered that we have President Bourne Trump.  He doesn’t do random.  He does not make mistakes.

They Don’t Make Mistakes, They Don’t Do Random

He gave a comment which he knew would be quickly leaked to the press. Somebody happily imagined a presidency in damage control whilst not realizing they were being used as an international signaling device.

“shithole countries”:  adjective noun

What our media has chosen to focus on completely misses the hidden intent of the message. The POTUS followed through with his pithy comment by suggesting we should bring in more people… like from Norway!  This message will not be lost on the population of a small nation seeking to hold their own against waves of unruly economic immigrants seeking to break the laws governing sovereign borders.

Less than twenty-four hours after private meetings with  Prime Minister Erna Solberg, our President has sent a gift her way:  Norwegians now have a conversation wedge into discussing Norway and her own immigration policies.  Hey!  Trump wants more people like us!  Maybe it is o.k. for “us” to discuss how to maintain Norwegian culture and traditions for our own future generations. Maybe it is o.k. to state that we want immigrants who arrive through legal channels, apart from a faulty “human rights” argument.

Donald Trump does not make mistakes. He does not do random. Everything is done with intentionality and not irrationality.  Born/Bourne to be Trump.

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