Media Peddles Back on a Desirable Fake News Narrative: Salt Grass Chokes on a Piece of Steak

Salt Grass Steak House has a great menu.   Waiters in the Dallas market can earn wages comparable to service industry white collar professionals.

Now we find that it is not the employees who need additional training, but management:

Khalil Cavil Destroys Goodwill

Problematic is that once Khalil put up his Facebook post exposing anti-Muslim sentiment, Salt Grass management was thrust into the spotlight.

They made an unbelievable error in judgment.

The employee should have been suspended with pay pending the outcome of an investigation.  Instead, management banned a customer.

Management should have vigorously noted  the unverified nature of the hatefest and welcomed all customers to experience the warmth of their dine-in restaurant culture.

In an early interview, Khalil stated he wanted people to understand the history of his name.

Khalil means friend.

It is distinctly unfriendly to slander the innocent.

And the defamation brought against a Salt Grass customer deserves more consideration than the offer of a free meal.

Khalil stated he needed money for college.

Journalism career?  He already understands that powerful fake narrative counts for more than reliable facts.

We should all be Berean Jews.  They were noble men because they looked for facts prior to jumping to conclusions.

Noble Character

The Last English Prince is a Berean journalist.


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2 thoughts on “Media Peddles Back on a Desirable Fake News Narrative: Salt Grass Chokes on a Piece of Steak”

    1. Thank you for cross-pollination of thought.

      While not sure of the status of Khalil, regarding his ideological leanings (he may not be a Muslim…) the deployment of an anti-Muslim message has been consistently weaponized against innocent bystanders. Non-state actors such as Khalil should be exposed for their agit-prop (agitation propaganda) leanings and marginalized from their prospective audiences.

      False flag operations abound. Hence, the need for an educated and discerning public.


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