Wuhan Corona Virus: China Runs a False Flag Operation

Daily Mail Link

You cannot build a hospital in six days.

You can build a morgue to conceal the problem.

My hospital spent approximately two years to build a new lobby, add a physical plant for engineering and a few campus improvement projects.

You cannot build a hospital and install all of the lines needed for your oxygen and gases, monitors, high tech equipment for ICU.  This is impossible.  Period.

China is building a morgue.  Be carried in sick.  Die behind the walls.

As a Naval officer we could put up a 500 bed tent hospital in ten days.

This was with the breakout of iso-containers with our gear for each wing of the hospital.

Tents raised by the nurses and medics, generators and Bruce lights put into place by the engineers.  Stretchers unloaded and ready for use.  Rudimentary pharmacy for basic care.

Training is at Camp Pendleton, California and takes two weeks.

Refresher training can be on a weekend.

I was the Commandant for this activity:

Fleet Hospital Dallas

China is running a false flag operation.

Daily Mail is a carrier for the narrative.

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You may check out my primary site: tammyswofford.com Interests: *Geopolitical Islam *Healthy Governance Initiatives *Societal Homeostasis