
We don’t fully address it, of course. Only when it suits us.

Having followed the story of two young sisters repeatedly raped in my city; records sealed because “Daddy” is important; the relative/assailant still happily living free and unpunished… I write.

And with vengeance in my heart against the attacker of what are now two lovely young women, I write – for the sake of the vulnerable. Because at the end of the day, our society is only as strong as the compassion extended to the weak.

Walking away, deliberately turning aside, from the rape of children – shows the reptilian coldness lurking within what should be the warmth of human frame.

We are different than Pakistan, of course. But not so different, when children are allowed to be the sacrificial lambs for “Daddy”, who is very… very… powerful.

So I write. For the two women who suffered years of rape and have shared with me their deep sense of injustice against the American system. I write. For the women who have been told they deserved rape for their manner of dress. I write. For societal health of women.

Because we should give a Damn.

Regarding the repeated rape of the young ladies, the younger was also beaten into compliance. I have seen a physical scar from her trauma. On one of her social platforms, this thought:

Please. Do give a damn.



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You may check out my primary site: tammyswofford.com Interests: *Geopolitical Islam *Healthy Governance Initiatives *Societal Homeostasis

3 thoughts on “Rape”

  1. Our real President fought to bright down the crime of human sex trafficking. The present occupant of the White House is “proud” of a addict pig of a son whose naked “selfies” with reportedly underaged girls are infesting our computer files as proof of hypocrisy.

    I have in the past personally witnessed a repeat molester of children and trafficker of women to politicians escape prosecution “for reasons of national security”.

    Rapists deserve to be prosecuted and punished. To enable their escape from justice is to become an accessory to their crimes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Do not disagree with you. Does not “national security” included the personal security which should be afforded little girls in America? The citizens are what “national security” is all about. I used to feel a bit smug when reading about the Muslim gangs in the UK that groomed little girls for rape and trafficking, with a government aware, and unwilling to respond. I thought, “That could never happen in America!” And then I find the same has happened in my own backyard.

    Nobody should be exempt when the crime is the rape of a child.


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