George Alan Kelly: American of the Year

He was threatened. He responded. And he took out the threat.

Murder is not an act of self-defense. But killing can be an act of defense, and a desperate action pursued by an honorable man who wishes to live.

George Alan Kelly called in a threat. And then he was forced to respond to an imminent threat because he had mere seconds and not minutes to await the arrival of law enforcement. Seventy-three years old. And he stood his ground.

Call him what you want. In Texas, we would call him a man who used justifiable force. Personally, I consider him up for the “American of the Year” award – a first on my blog.

Drug cartels have destroyed nations to the south of our border. They are now deeply rooted within our own nation. They have made it as far as Big Sky country, and last time I checked – it is a click away from Canada.

George Alan Kelly killed a man who deserved to die. And in taking the one life, how many of our children did he save from a Fentanyl overdose?

The primary duty of our government is the safety of her citizens. The government failed George Alan Kelly. But in good faith, he behaved as an American – he defended his life and his land.

And while drug cartel routes are “No Country for Old Men”, George Alan Kelly stands as witness that there are a few old men who remember what it means to be an American.

Please watch the short video below and imagine the property which you have worked for and call your own, now overrun by violent men. Look at an image of George Alan Kelly. Call him by his true name: American.,assume%20you%20had%20the%20right%20to%20do%20so.%22

Update: 1 March

What can be done when government fails to protect the legal citizen but embraces, subsidizes and supports the unlawful illegal? Calling for help dozens of times in one month; no resolution for what was a safety issue for an elderly American who owned his own property; forced into doing what the Constitution allows, but for that which he will now be forced to pay a price. George Alan Kelly is the American of the Year. For being an American, he is cast as a villain.

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