And it might end with a Boom….

Emboldened by lack of adequate response. Emboldened because “Free Speech” is a fixed paradigm, when other conversations must be had regarding the actual nature of what is happening.

Read my lips:

And it might end with a boom… a different type of bomb construction… not easily detected but definitely targeting in nature. Too late – the situation will then receive the attention it merits. May it not progress to the boom.

President Minouche Shafik is incompetent. The Poison Ivy campus have failed their educational duty, and the fruit of their labor is a prolific poison plant nurtured within the soil of their classrooms. The Poison Ivy have educated in activism and guerrilla warfare on U.S. soil. The elements are all there except for the boom.

This is a law enforcement issue now because of the nature of the offenses and the danger which is represented within the pathology of the encampment.

May it not end with a boom.

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