Abdul Razak Ali Artan

“I am sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured EVERYWHERE. … I can’t take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries … [if] you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks.”…

But Abdul!   Please, Abdul!

We are also tired of our hijra-lovin’  Muslim “neighbors” trying to create bloodbaths in Garland Texas (I was there),  turning Christmas party-goers into human sieves (San Bernardino),  shooting over and under bathroom stalls in Orlando to kill  victims whilst laughing wildly, and mowing down college students with a vehicle and trying to finish them off with a big-ass butcher knife.

We… are collectively becoming sick and tired of you too.  And when… just when…. you have pissed us off enough – we will re-identify you not as our neighbors, but as natural born killers, hence our mortal enemies.

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You may check out my primary site: tammyswofford.com Interests: *Geopolitical Islam *Healthy Governance Initiatives *Societal Homeostasis