Tammy Swofford: Journalist

For those with an interest, an archive for my articles with _Economic Affairs_ can be found at the link:

Economic Affairs

The team is still working to update the archives. Unfortunately, the pie charts which make “The Adolphus Complex”

readable are still missing. But to understand Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on small scale, take a moment to read my thoughts.

My journalism career is noted here on my static website:


My current writing is with _Economic Affairs_ as a senior correspondent.

I also contribute to Fauji Magazine on topics of interest. My most recent assignment discussed women in the military. Here is the current copy. My writing is not on the page this month.

Digital Copy of Fauji Magazine

My interest still leans strongly toward geopolitical Islam, terrorism and impact on societal health, and healthy governance initiatives.

Islam as Global Grievance Industry

Thought for the day:

Islam’s basic doctrinal tenets are ones of expansionism and non-assimilation within host societies which are not Islamic. Islam is a geopolitical gestalt which is misunderstood by many. While there are Muslims who do assimilate well, there are vast numbers who resist modernization and healthy interactive function with Western, enlightened counterparts.

Islam demands highly visible participation of the Muslim belief system within the public square. Hence, it erodes the healthy division between a secular state which works on behalf of all citizens – whilst conversely, denying that the onus lies squarely on the shoulders of the citizens to also work for the common good of the secular state. Secular democratic governance is a win-win situation when deployed with balance. Some forms of governance…. stand taller than others. Think Shar’iah is a sweet Christmas pudding?  Take a year and live in an X, Y, Z Islamic state. Come home, worn around the edges, but wiser.

On a smaller note, 21st century Islam is a stake holder in the grievance industry.  We should not pander to the same. It is a poor model for governmental response and places the strengthened, stable governments in subservient position to those who have failed to secure their own futures. The weak should not dictate to the strong.  Yeah – I am a Darwinian Christian.

A refusal to take ownership of problems and political deflection against the stable Western powers continues to fuel the grievance industry.

The Last English Prince


Good Morning!

Below is an early release of what will be carried on the page of _Economic Affairs_ (August journal).

Should you have any questions regarding my thoughts feel free to contact me. Please use “Jihad Packets” as your subject line. I am always available for solution-based dialogue.


Jihad Packets

November of 2008: The Conficker worm emerged from the cocoon of her creator and infected her first computer. The dynamic of infiltration and subsequent growth of a massive botnet astounded those who followed Conficker’s movements and upgrades. Hassen Saidi (Ph.D in computer studies) was one of the many researchers involved in studying the worm. He dissected the various strains of the worm. His analysis provided insight into the progression of the Conficker infection. Within a month of the initial digital incursion, 1.5 million computers in 195 countries were compromised. (1)

In the world of computers, malware is compressed into small data packets for rapid dissemination across the internet. Malware is also shielded with self-protective measures to avoid detection. When the Conficker worm made an initial appearance it barely registered any activity. But for those tasked with monitoring the same, the stakes were high.

The behavior of the Conficker worm provides an uncanny parallel with the manner in which jihad recruitment moves forward with the delivery of tiny packets of information. The stakes are incredibly high in this line of work. Tracking is 24/7 by the alphabet security agencies. When a jihad malware infection occurs the recipient may register minimal online presence. An observable digital footprint can still obscure movement toward an operational attack. High stakes. Semper Vigilans.

Observing the object code and electrical charges (translate: emotional charges) associated with jihad recruitment code never cease to amaze me. The host for a malware infection is not only a programmable machine. Incursions with greater complexity are in flux. The 21st century host resides within a small space known as the human skull. The combination of a mind, free will, and human emotion provide multiple avenues for agitation propaganda, exploitation and adaptation of the subject.

During the early years after 9/11, the malware activity at work on human brains increased significantly via internet jihad forums. My daily leap-frog across jihad portals gave me the ability to monitor the emotional pulse generated from the sites. This activity within the sites was not yet infecting within the tens of millions. But over a period of months there was the steady appearance of a remote thread injection – a hidden code – that executed itself within a legitimate address. That remote thread was based on an understanding of Ahadith and the historical battles of Prophet Muhammad. My own intellectual ability to follow along required immersion studies into the tiny data packets of information known as Hadith, and their smaller packets known as isnd and matn (chain of transmitters and text, respectively).

Webmasters expanded their realm of influence. Avatars used by webmasters hearkens to seventh century romanticism. I have read the thoughts of “Khalid ibn al-Walid”. “Abu Bakr” made an appearance long before a real man named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi burst onto the scene. Webmasters are digital Amir for a geospatial land of jihad. Amir command their subjects to ambush innocent civilians with acts of asymmetrical warfare. And they do it without breaking a sweat.

Just as the Conficker worm was crafted to create an exploding botnet, the Amirs of Jihad seek to do the same. Sadly, enslaved computers and enslaved human minds are equal in one regard: few recognize the moment of their enslavement.

Revisit the fatwa of Usama bin Laden, the father of 21st century jihad. He joined colleagues to craft a grievance document. It was enough to inspire nineteen enslaved men to hijack commercial jets and use them as missiles with human components. This act heralded the recrudescence of jihad.   And in a digital age, “the child” is more sophisticated than the father. Your progeny might just be the offspring of Usama bin Laden.

Twitter functions as a viral platform which infects by activation of grievance. The recruitment industry is dependent on unhealed emotion. “Help your fellow Muslims! The Ummah are suffering! All of this – the fault of everybody but me!” Once the “viral load” is sufficient the host is overtaken by rage, a base animal instinct. Hold a grudge…. let the grudge reach a boiling point… purchase a couple of pressure cookers. Jihad fever now overwhelms the host! First it kills the cerebral cortex. The primordial urge to kill is unhindered by higher logic.

The intelligence sector remains hard at work. Jihad sites are scrubbed, some sites monitored, and others are acquired and used as honey pots. But with the advent of Twitter, infection is spiking. Consider the forensic evidence against Alaa Abdullah Esayed. In less than a year she posted 45,600 tweets supporting Islamic State. We are tracking an epidemiological crisis.

My view has changed drastically over the years regarding aspects of jihad recruitment. I used to imagine that micro-aggressive statements could only harm in aggregation. I now believe that even a solitary micro-aggressive statement is sufficient to infect a weak, susceptible host.

Al-Qaeda was the precursor to Islamic State. Both terror aggregates seek to calve nations from a dead empire. The process appears to be working splendidly well. The Balkan nations are the latest acquisition target. This activity will affect maritime activities in the Black Sea and reactivate conflict within the Caucasus. India is in the cross-hairs. Aspirations abound.

A normal and well-adjusted Muslim in the West just might be receiving a remote thread injection from Mosul. But there is a greater unthinkable scenario. An infection might be coursing through a mosque. The aforementioned is an inconvenient truth. But it is also a tragedy. Houses of worship are meant to provide pasture and a place of repose for members of a faith. A focus on anarchy is fraudulent use of the same.

What initiates as a barely noticeable jihad packet can transform into a malignant program that burrows into leitmotifs of harmful ideology. How long does it take for a balanced individual to turn into a maladjusted predator? Only as long as it takes to read micro-aggressive statements coming off a Twitter feed in London. (2)

  1. Bowden, Mark, “Worm: The First Digital War”, Grove Press, New York, 2011


Olfactory Stimulants for Jihad

Received an email today from a fellow research journalist:

“How can a body be like camphor?”

Olfactory stimulants and metaphysical imagery are used to recruit youth to jihad. Adults fall for the same with regularity.

There was an interesting article on a Chechen rebel portal a few years ago. The image showed a mujahideen who had been found after a snow bank melted. As the corpse warmed up, a shout of joy went up. The deceased had the smell of musk.  He was in Paradise!  Allahu Akbar all around. Confirmation bias. Who needs further proof? Take up arms!  Get your certificate!

Perhaps the most vicious childhood recruitment tool in my library is “Winds from Paradise” by Umm Saad (mother of the one who prevails).

The author should be hunted down and dropped into a deep and dark hole.  Period. I am merciless regarding jihad recruiters.

Olfactory stimulation leaps off the first page:

“Breathe deeply, do you smell it?”


“No! Just smell… can’t you” It’s a beautiful scent… a sweet breeze blew now.”

He shook his head in disbelief, it was summer and the air was harshly still, it was humid and hot.

“No but believe me, it was there just now… as if a wind from Paradise. From there it came…he smiled a strikingly adorable smile, pointing in the distance.”

He turned and looked where Diraar was pointing… miles and miles away, there lied the borders and miles further a bloody battle raged where the souls of martyrs were climbing upward… the doors of heaven were open for their welcome… Maybe the winds from it had blown a little farther than necessary…

And that, my fine feathered friends, is just the first page.  But if you want to learn how to prepare for jihad, hop over to this archived article:

Agitation Propaganda

Conversation with a Radicalized Muslim Youth

Subject Profile:

Age:   Fourteen

Interests:  Electrical Engineering, Law

Family Unit: Intact

Education:  Secular American schools

Statements given by the subject:

* Osama bin Laden worked for the C.I.A. until they turned on him.

* The Americans killed 300,000 civilians in Iraq.

* If a Muslim changes their name to a Christian name and attacks a mall, and if nobody finds out they are a Muslim,

they are not called a terrorist.  Only Muslims are called terrorists.

The fourteen year old repetitively used the term “the Americans” – as if detached from the very nation which has given him safe harbor and the potential for a bright future.

Deconstruction of each statement ensued. The phrases being spoken had the feel of being scripted responses, learned

within a distinct setting.  A deep resentment was noted when engaging a measured deconstruction dialogue with the young man.

Who will he grow up to be in America?  Will he level out to pursue the American dream and contribute to greater society?

Family does not have the greatest pull right now.  Who…. is pulling the emotional levers? And are these levers being pulled in the mosque?

Human Rights: A Journalism Curiosity

This week I have been assisting a British journalist. He is doing a bit of investigation for a future article in a well-known journal.  I have pulled from my military/intelligence contact list and asked a couple of individuals to give him guidance and access to archived material. I am always happy to give a leg up to a professional colleague.

But e mails back and forth between us have brought a thought to the forefront.  The journalist in question focuses on global human rights.  He is also strongly pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli in his posture.  None of this will change my willingness to assist him because I believe in a free press. He is free to pursue his craft.

But here is the question which bothers me:

Why are most human rights activists pro-Palestinian?

Of course, in a post Arab Spring world, an event which I prefer to call “Carbon Winter” – media market share is decreased for the Palestinians. Why give a rip about them with less than equal concern for the millions of refugees displaced by Carbon Winter? Injustice is rampant in Muslim-majority nations.  Israel (nor America) are the Great Satan. The Great Satan is more likely robed in black, wearing a turban, and threatening their own populace. Pick a country.

For a different slant, a post written by a friend.  BackChannels  comes into my alpha e mail account from day to day.


Islam: Signal, Symbol, Code

If you have read _Milestones_ and devoured everything written by Syed Qutb you will pray al-Fatiha 17 times a day.

You will also consider the Qur’an to have seven layers of meaning.

The Last English Prince has made it past the first layer.  It is no small feat.

Islam is signal, symbol and code.  Even Muhammad used code, sent couriers, and had a seal made to authenticate important communications. We scarcely grasp these issues. I understand on small scale. I have been mentored by high-level geopolitical Islamists.

But I am always cognizant of the junior analyst (freelance or otherwise) and their own need to familiarize themselves with Islam as: Signal, Symbol and Code.

Another great book on my shelf – invaluable in many regards is the following:

An Islamic Utopian

It is the story of Dr. Ali Shari’ati, considered the primary geopolitical Islamist whose writing and activism spawned the Iranian revolution against the Peacock Throne. Important Shi’a Muslims consider him the true “Father of the Revolution” and hold to a firm belief that his death was not of natural causes, but orchestrated by SAVAK. My familiarization with the book came at the suggestion of a Muslim residing in Birmingham, UK.

I will continue to lay out my thoughts in small manner regarding Islam and intellectual electrical currents which are scarcely perceptible to the uninitiated. The language of Jihad is just a small part of the greater available lexicon which functions on binary level for those with a capability to catch nuanced meanings.

Did you know that Jihad is a binding command until four scenarios are complete?

The first one is easy enough:  Muhammad stated, “I have been commanded to fight people until they say, ‘No God but Allah.'”

Those four words will never pass my lips.

Bring it on.

Reference:  Al-Ahkam As-Sultaniyyah: The Laws of Islamic Governance, by Abu’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Habib al-Basri al=Baghdadi al-Mawardi (d. 450 AH)

*My copy is autographed by a Palestinian lawyer who laid out the “code” in the Qur’an – for a nuclear event.  One particular transliteration of the Qur’an provides the best read. This information was packaged and sent “upstream” many years ago.

Images from the Sudan Presidential Campaign of Mohamed Elhassan


The first image makes an appearance in the upcoming issue of _Economic Affairs_.  To the right of Mohamed Elhassan, a woman who did manage to make it to parliament on the party ticket.  The man in the foreground is also a friend of Elhassan. Within Muslim culture, network is everything.

The second image is one I love.  It speaks to me of the vast needs and the hope of the African people.

Change cannot be achieved without help from the stable and democratic Western powers.

Change will not be achieved with Omar al-Bashir in charge.

Collusion with terror states and terrorists is part of the national fabric.

And do we have a clue as to what chugs into the Port of Khartoum?

We can ill afford the complacency.

Economic Affairs: Vyshinsky in the Sudan



Top Image:  Tammy Swofford, Mohamed Elhassan el-Sufi and his eldest daughter, Eyman.

Galley proof from the upcoming cover of _Economic Affairs_.  “Vyshinsky in the Sudan” is the lead feature this month.

I am a senior writer for this professional journal coming out of Pakistan.